Monday, 24 January 2011

Bett presentation on YouTube now

My presentation about saving money through use of Open Source software in schools is up on YouTube now. It covers a whole school approach, a Virtual School with website, VLE, e-portfolio, paperless communication etc that can save schools in excess of £50K as well as being state of the art.

Have a look here.

I've had some very complimentary comments on Twitter e.g. so thanks, personally I think I speak too fast and wave my arms around too much.

"Utterly brilliant presentation from @paulhaigh - Open Source Schools seminar at BETT2011"

"just finished watching @paulhaigh talking about Open Source programs; very good"

"how to use Open Source Software effectively in school - amazing presentation"

"Impressive, integrated use of ICT described by @paulhaigh Super video production by @eyebeams"

"The myth of spending a lot on a VLE - @paulhaigh's wholistic school model no wonder they do so well"