www.opensourceschools.org.uk are looking to designate schools across each region to become ‘Open Source Hub Schools’. The role is not funded but would hopefully generate consultancy work that hub schools would be entitled to charge for. The schools would be good schools (in terms of their successful with teaching and learning, no point having great ICT systems if they don’t lead to great learning) and would be actively using some Open Source tools in a significant and successful way. This doesn’t mean they’d be 100% Open Source or want to be, in fact schools who blend traditional commercial tools like a Windows server with Open Source applications are the best examples for other schools to easily copy.
The schools would need to provide a case study of their work and be willing to answer simple queries from interested schools via email for free, although if this generated more involved support (such as training, consultancy, developer time or web hosting of applications) that was charged for that would be a matter between the hub school and client school. We would also expect hub schools to contribute actively to the online community of Open Source schools and participate in face to face national and regional events we run where possible.
All types of school are invited- state, private, primary, secondary, special, academy or LA. Email Paul Haigh phaigh@notredame-high.co.uk if you’d like to register an interest. Include your school’s name and your contact details.