Tuesday 10 May 2011

an example of a new techs consultancy day at Notre Dame

ICT consultancy day for school X

How ICT might work in new buildings

Are ICT suites appropriate?

Tour our various ICT suites, look at various designs and layouts and classrooms equipped with lap tops

Talk to teachers who teach with lap tops- benefits and drawbacks

The Virtual School

What a fully fledged Learning Platform looks like, what is does, how it is used
Incentives to get it staff using it
Staff training/ support- Virtual School Coordinator post

Things a virtual school does beyond a learning platform:
Online reporting/ Parental Engagement
Behaviour management
Interactive school website
Paperless office e.g. trip logging system and electronic help desks for ICT and premises
Staff and student email and other communication
Student E-portfolios
Data systems

Hardwires/ wifi everywhere
Guest wifi access/ student authenticated access via their own mobile devices

Other classroom techniques
Student response systems

Oh no not a Google search and make a PowerPoint lesson!

Examples of great ICT in lessons:
GIS in Geography
Prezi not PowerPoint in Science
Maths resources that don’t need preparing or marking
Speaking and listening and oral assessment with a learning platform
Using live chat and discussion forums in learning
Blending new technology into History lessons

Alternative approaches to new technologies
Students’ own mobile devices
Not equipping rooms but equipping students with mobile computers they take home
Netbooks and slates- a chance to look at various devices